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By Riak Lual Tiir

One of the criteria that The High Learning Commission (HLC) Accreditation Adopted Revisions Effective September 2020, qualifier the high learning institution, is that the institution’s actions and decisions demonstrate its educational role is to serve the public, not solely the institution or any superordinate entity; the institution’s educational responsibilities take primacy over other purposes, such as generating financial returns for institution, contributing to a related or parent organization, or supporting external interests; the engagement with its external constituencies and responds to their needs as its mission and capacity allow.

On July 9, 2011, when South Sudan acquires her independence there were only five public universities: University of Juba, Juba; Upper Nile University, Malakal; University of Bahr El Ghazal, Wau; Dr John Garang Memorial University of Science and Technology, Bor; and Rumbek University in Rumbek Town.

For example, in 2021, Aweil youth began media outreach calling for establishment of Northern Bahr El Ghazal University. And on my Facebook wall dated 19 December, I second and join the media promotion classing Aweil Town as much eligible to host National Institution of Learning.

Aweil and Torit deserve national universities due to population, number of active primary and secondary schools, stabilize security, and above all, the culture of hospitality should certifying these two famous towns to congregate university students, lecturers and visiting lecturers, and researchers both national and international.

Aweil University and Torit University should come in the first phase. Bentiu, Kuacjok and Yambio Universities in the second phase.

Parieng, Pibor, Yei, Renk, Akobo, Maridi, Tonj, Nimule, Atar, and Maridi occupy the third phase in government High Education Plan Policy. In order yo fulfill ‘’Taking Town Nearer to People Policy,’’ empowering high education could be another strong driving engine behind the successful service operationalization.

Many South Sudanese of goodwill could clinch Aweil youth calls for establishment of Northern Bahr El Ghazal University or Aweil University. At this juncture I could equally add my voice on calling the National government, National Council of High Education and principally Hon. Zacharia Matur, Chairperson of Specialized Committee of High Education and Technology in the Revitalized Transitional National Legislative Assembly (R-TNLA) to table the proposal of Aweil and Torit universities before the August House Members.

In 2008, based on the Sudan 5th Housing and Population Census, Upper Nile Province takes the first average by 2,990,840 people; Bahr El Ghazal Provence; 2,879,482 people, and Equatoria Provence; 2,563,779 people respectively. It’s time to reward our people by providing services closer to them, tangible opportunities, civic engagement, encourage multicultural society, train ourselves to be globally-connected with world and open doors for regional and international academicians.

‘’South Sudan is not an island.’’

Highlight on the setup phase, university administrator Professor Stephen Chol Ajong, estimates the overall cost as $11 million to complete the process ‘’Atar News Media post December 27, 2021.’’ And before that according to other media sources, Aweil sons and daughters at home, Canada, Australia, USA and Europe said to had raised some fund in support for initiative; several fundraising events officiated online by Aweil communities’ leaders in Western nations and the successive materialization of committees publicize the community move, commitment and ability to host national institution of learning.

''Even the bible says who ever had little shall be increases.’’ Today, I am appealing to Chancellor of the Public Universities, His Excellency Salva Kiir Mayardit to decree-in the two Universities of Aweil and Torit.

The author is an opinion writer, concerned citizen, researcher, former teacher and former local government administrator in defunct Jonglei, Eastern Nile and Central Upper Nile States. He is reachable via +211917553660

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