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South Sudan announces new lockdown


In a statement released on SSBC-TV last night, Vice President and Chairman of the COVID-19 Taskforce Hussein Abdelbagi has introduced a new wave measures aimed at combatting the spread of coronavirus.

Most notably, all social gatherings, sporting events, religious events, weddings, funerals and political rallies have been banned.

This coincides with the closure of 'all business which attract crowds', including shisha stalls, bars, nightclubs, betting shops and day parties. Restaurants and tea houses may remain open, but must adhere to COVID rules or face closure.

The new measures introduced by the Taskforce, shown in full.

Schools and universities have also been shut, with the exception of scheduled examinations which are to take place only 'with observation of strict protective measures'.

Offices in both the private and public sectors have been instructed to allow non-essential staff to stay at home, or alternatively make provisions to have their staff work in shifts.

In terms of transport, bus and taxis have been limited to half capacity. Rakashas have been restricted to half capacity meanwhile Bodabodas can take a maximum of one person.

Airports and domestic flights are also to adhere to strict regulations. All passengers arriving in the country must show a valid negative COVID test.

The government is also not exempt from such rules. The new rules asserts that the Council of Ministers is to conduct only extraordinary meetings, with no close contact of participants and mandatory face masks.

The new measures are due to last one month, until 3rd March 2021, subject to review. On the evening of the announcement, South Sudan's number of COVID cases stands at 3,929.

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