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Peace monitors report ceasefire success


In his opening remarks to the Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring Mechanism (CTSAMVM) meeting, committee chairman Major Gen. Dafaalla noted the success of recent months in implementing the R-ARCSS.

He noted that there have been no significant clashes between the R-ARCSS's signatories, and that the ceasefire is holding across the country.

CTSAM-VM monitoring and verification team at Gorom training site on 13/1

Despite this, Dafaalla mentioned the tension created by recent defection of various senior military officers and their affiliated forces from the SPLM/A-IO.

'CTSAMVM remains concerned that if these situations continue there are risks to the implementation of the R-ARCSS with particular regard to the ceasefire', he wrote, urging all sides to prioritise civilian protection amidst potential catalysts for conflict.

Although generally stable, Dafaalla noted the issues surrounding troop discipline and training. He mentioned that the CTSAMVM had conducted a number of visits to bases across the country, leaving observers concerned about declining conditions. He asserted that this had contributed to many troops leaving the bases.

Links were also drawn between the discipline and conditions of troops and isolated incidents involving armed units. Most recently, the Lainya area saw a number of civilians killed, women raped and vulnerable persons assaulted.

The MVT team in Wau with the SSPDF 5th Infantry division commander.

The CTSAMVM continues to carry out joint field visits with party representatives, addressing potential problems and to ensure a common understanding of the status of implementation. Dafaalla noted that with few exceptions, monitors enjoyed freedom of movement across the country.

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