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Jonglei and Pibor peace conference publishes resolutions


The recent ‘People to People Peace Conference’ held in Juba last week has published its official resolutions and recommendations following consultation of over 250 delegates.

Comprising youths, women, chiefs and intellectuals of Bor Dinka, Gawaar and Lou Nuer, Murle and Anyuak, the conference was formed to deliberate on issues of insecurity and inter-communal across Jonglei state.

The conference had the official support of President Kiir, who spoke at the closing ceremony on Thursday. Vice-President Dr James Wani Igga was appointed to Chair proceedings.

Delegates at the conference in Juba, last week.

In the published list of resolutions, the conference committed to a number of pledges concerning law and order. Most notably, processes, systems and mechanisms to combat the abduction of women and children, revenge killings and cattle theft were listed.

In all three instances, the conference resolved to use the full force of law and the Republic’s penal code to punish those involved, both through customary and formal courts. A resolution was also published proposing the establishment of special courts for such crimes, which would seek to attain swift justice through the empowerment of customary officials. Equally, customary officials found to be aiding and abetting criminals would face harsh punishment.

The conference also recognised the necessity for social change to occur parallel to legal reform. Notably, it was resolved to put an end to all practices involving the sale of children and return all sold children to their families, with full compensation to the affected individuals. Equally, cattle markets are to be establish to discourage theft and encourage inter-communal trade and commerce.

The preamble to the resolutions, published late last week.

More generally, the conference has declared it will seek to promote dialogue, youth livelihoods and basic services to all in the Jonglei-Pibor area. It is hoped this will foster inter-communal relations, and be supported by parallel unified cultural and sporting activities.

All resolutions are to be supported by inter-communal diplomacy, which will see all Bor Dinka cows in Equatoria return to Jonglei and by laws formed to regulate cattle movement between grazing areas.

Signed by representatives of all attendees, it has been agreed that the resolutions will be implemented in a timely, comprehensive and closely monitored manner.

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