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Is it money that we joined politics for?

If you think that money is the goal of Politics then you are wrong and that is what your political goal is.

In South Sudan, majority of youth thinks that the goal of politics is money, which is not true. Money is the wage of labour in politics but the goal is to see that politics serves the public.

Yes, MPs have received $ 15,000 but is this money the reason we joined politics? To me, of course not. We joined politics to see that our civil population is served.

I will therefore update the public tomorrow on our six points of actions including the issue of salaries of civil servants and the organized forces plus the current floods that has devastated our civil population and the issue of Bahr-el-Ghazal road and other roads, which are being used as conduit to steal the public resources.


Hon Juol Nhomngek Daniel MP TNLA, Cueibet County Lakes State, SPLM-IO.


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