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Merio Jimmy

Indian business community meets Juba Mayor

Merio Jimmy, Juba

Members of Juba's Indian business community have met the Mayor of Juba, Kalisto Faustino Wani, and Indian Ambassador S.D. Moorthy, earlier today.

The Indian businessmen extended their congratulations to the Mayor on his recent appointment, and commanded his recent steps taken to promote trade and services in Juba.

The Indian community has been a constant fixture in the capital since 2005, and through ethical hard work have created a significant number of employment opportunities for South Sudanese nationals.

In turn, Mayor Kalisto praised the role of Indian citizens in Juba, noting their constant community assistance in services such as blood donation campaigns, support to local orphanages and blind persons' associations, as well as aid to the disabled. In particular, he highlighted India's recent support to Juba's leper colony.

He urged the Indian community to encourage further business investment in both the capital and South Sudan more widely, recommending the nation's opportunities to firms and companies based in India. This was underscored with the emphasis that the new TGoNU is keen to support investors.

Such words were reportedly well received by the representatives of the Indian community, who sought peace, development and stability in their second home.

Ambassador Moorthy also briefed the Mayor about Indian scholarships for further education and training courses for government officials offered by the embassy. The Ambassador encouraged the Mayor to recommend the courses to his officials in the City Council,

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