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Salva Mathok Gengdit

Gen. Salva Mathok Gengdit urges 'Lobonok 2' dialogue to heal SPLM

General Salva Mathok Gengdit, Juba

In a recent interview in Juba, Senior SPLM official and military veteran Gen. Salva Mathok Gengdit has called for another party political retreat to solve a number of pressing issues amongst its members.

Gen. Gengdit has told press that he believes the best way to solve South Sudan’s issues is through dialogue, addressing them before they engulf the wider nation in what he described as a ‘cloud’.

Responding to recent comments made by Gen. Kuol Manyang Juuk regarding the historic role of the SPLM, Gengdit has said that ‘most of the SPLM members agree with including myself, except that I disagree with Gen Kuol on going to social media’.

Gengdit is referring to comments made by Manyang in an interview aired last month, in which the former Presidential Advisor accused the SPLM of having failed South Sudan.

‘We did not build schools, we did not build roads, we did not build houses for our people, we did not build hospitals, we are not feeding ourselves, but rather depending on relief food from foreign NGOs’, Manyang stated.

In return, Gengdit has asserted that publicly airing disagreements does not bode well for the future stability of the country and party.

‘This has worried so many people, so many comrades, and our enemies will think, with such statement, that they can get the chance to do away with this historical party’, he said.

‘Members of the political bureau are very near with comrade chairman of the SPLM that they can discuss with him their frustration rather than letting it out on social media’.

Given the scale of the SPLM’s internal divisions, Gengdit has suggested key figures host a conference similar to the Lobonok retreat in 2018.

‘My advice is that chairman Salva Kiir should call Lobonok 2 and people discuss the issues thoroughly without fear and not going on social media’. Gengdit suggested.

‘SPLM is the best cook that can manage crises and will remain to do so’ he said.

By extension, the SPLM veteran has also warned party members and officials to avoid capitalising on disputed issues for the sake of self promotion.

Referring to the implementation of the R-ARCSS, Gengdit made it clear that deeds must be prioritised over mere words.

‘We need the contribution from every member of the party for the smooth implementation of peace’, he noted.

‘We should not be failures but a solution for peace’.

For further information, you can contact Gen. Gengdit at or +211925571888. Interview credit: Dawn Newspaper.

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