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Mangor Adut Thiak

CREATIVE OPINION: 'My Country' by Michael Mangor Adut Thiak

Michael Mangor Adut Thiak, Juba

There's one question that I have divided into three. It always disturbs my mind. Namely, 'where is the love for our people?'

Where's the love for our people? Where has the love that used to exist gone to?

Who has stolen it?

I know we have different answers to these questions depending on who we are. However, you will understand my answer upon reading my writing. ' When you have acquired a taste for the dust,

and the scent of our first rain,

you're hooked for life on South Sudan,

and you'll not be right again.

You can watch the setting moon on the same seat

and hear the jackals bark,

And know they're around you,

waiting in the dark!'

My country, South Sudan, a blessed country with many resources. Sadly, they are being used only by some individuals, and not the whole nation.

It is so beautiful with many aspects of nature, it's God's creation even though we don't appreciate it. To do so, we must give every South Sudanese the privilege to enjoy it through the delivery of services such as good hospitals, good schools, timely payments in their different places of work, good roads, and security.

Dr. John Garang with his colleagues, such as President Kiir, fought for our freedom. However, it has since lost its meaning.

The 64 tribes regardless of the color, race and religion,

Regardless of whether being a minority or a majority,

We're one nation though divided into different fragments by some individuals who have their conflicts of interest, looking for political seats.

Let us all hold on tight for our betterment, and keep on pressing higher for durable peace in South Sudan.

No need to fight each other!

South Sudan is our mother.

Different parties, fighting for power ,

Look at where our economy is tripping every hour,

Our people are dying every now and then,

No good services delivered to the citizens yet.

Time is wasted fighting each other for political positions,

But not the well being of the citizens.

Look at the future, not the past,

The past was made colourful and unforgettable by the late Dr. John Garang with his colleagues, where Kiir was part of the regime too,

But the future that started somewhere in 2011 got destroyed in late 2013, and everyone is still pressing to find it.

It's not about the SPLM-IG, SSOA, FDS, SPLM-IO, but it's about how the citizens are suffering through economic crisis (devaluation of the SSPS against the USD), natural calamities (flooding across the country), insecurity (unknown gunmen all over the country), corruption and tribalism.

Therefore, money leaders must change to become peoples' leaders, such that they sort out all the above challenges that South Sudanese is currently facing.

The hands of all South Sudan's leaders should be directed to create a better home that suits all South Sudanese people, regardless of where they belong. By doing this, the country will actually flourish.

To My Leaders;

'When you look to see the elephants

or hear the coucal's songs,

When the moonrise sets your blood on fire,

then you have been away for too long

It's time to cut the traces loose,

and let your heart go free,

beyond that far horizon,

where your spirit yearns to be'.

All in all, the above stanza is what some of our leaders lack. There's no room for that in their hearts that are fully occupied by different, negative ideas which lead us on opposite paths.

However, such merciful decisions should only be taken by someone who has the heart of humanity. This certainly proves that only few leaders have that for the South Sudanese people.

To my fellow youths ( the pillars of the nation):

'South Sudan is waiting-------come!

Since you have touched the open sky,

And learned to love the rustling grass,

and the wild fish eagle's cry.

You'll always be hungry for the bush;

for the lion's rasping roar,

To camp at last beneath the sky

and to be in peace once more.'

Nevertheless, we must have our heads up to gaze at the heights we ourselves need to climb, rejecting the interests of self serving individuals.

️We can only achieve this if we don't let ourselves be used by individuals as catalysts of success, pawned for the sake of their political seats with disregard for our well being.

We should prioritise those that have the 'hearts of humanity', such that the deliver good services to us, the South Sudanese people.

To those who laid the foundation for us;

'We set aside the Memorial Day

Each and every year.

To honour their lives they gave to this great gifted nation, South Sudan,

Defending what we hold today,

In all the dark and deadly wars for 21 years.

Their graves prove and remind us,

Our brave South Sudanese gave their all,

To put danger far behind us.

They made the ultimate sacrifice

Fighting for the South Sudanese way;

We admire them and respect them'.

We are who we are today because of their lengthy and fruitful struggle. Hence, we should live remembering them in our lives, generation by generation.

Thank you so much, may your struggle be used fruitfully such that your children and your grandchildren enjoy what you struggled for.


To the Greater Upper Nile Region, Greater Bahr El Ghazal Region and Greater Equatoria Region: Let join our hands together to build a better South Sudan, and allow justice, liberty and prosperity to prevail.





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